Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday's Websites

Hope summer is going good for everyone! We are spending time together, making a bunny lapbook, spending tons of time at a local garden and just enjoying some free time!

I thought I would share a few things that caught my eye recently. Hope you see something that catches yours!

  • Easy Homemade bread or why I need to stop being a baby and just make this bread!

  • Teaching Blogs or an amazing list of resources for home and work/school!

  • Homeschool blog or look freebies!

  • Nature t-shirt or last years plan that I am finally going to do this year before he grows out of the shirt I bought!

  • First sewing project for boys! or the project I most want to do but will never get Josh to consider!

  • Marshmallow Creme frosting or yummy!

  • Spring Fruit Pizza or a use for that frosting above!

  • Infinity t-shirt scarf or another example of just how creative I am not!

  • Pick Your Battles or ONLY READ AT YOUR OWN RISK (naughty word alert!!!!) Funny story about a couple and her shopping!


      Marikje Hill said...

      Shann...I check your blog everyday for new & interesting topics. "Pick your Battles..." was amazing!!! Hope all is well, you are all healthy and enjoying this beast of a summer : )

      Shannon said...

      Thanks Marikje! Love you!