This is an amazing site I just stumbled upon in which you can create your own sets of 3 part cards by just dragging the picture you want onto the format you choose! Super easy. I have already made 3 sets!
Warning: This site is in a beta trial so is free for now! I say use it before we lose it!
Creamy Potato Soup Recipe
1 day ago
Wow, I just now signed up. This is awesome. Great function.
My two year old just brought a plastic coin to me with the number 5 on it and said "it is 5" maybe I need to start "teaching" him. lol
Thanks so much for sharing this. I find it disheartening as a blogger when I share things and no one seems to notice. But then I realize or find out that one person benefited and it makes it all worth it.
I hope you are staying warm. Have a great weekend.
Josh was like that too! One day we realized he knew all the letters, shapes and numbers. So we finally started setting up our Montessori room.
Spring CAN NOT come soon enough for me!
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