I was looking for some ideas to make this rainy miserable Fall a little more fun and thought I would share what I found with you! We will not get to even half of these!
Crafts (mostly Halloween)
Paper Strip Pumpkins We did this! It turned out great and was fun and easy!
Tissue ghosts We made these and strung them on a plastic glow lace!
Color, cut & glue Jack O'lantern or Cut & glue Jack O'lantern or Jack O'lantern person (not scary!)
Lantern Orange or Black would look cool!
Bat Mobile
Cute paper Bats I would like to use these bats to make the above mobile!
Adorable Craft stick Mummy
2 liter bottle ghost
Fall Ideas
Felt Board Pumpkin Faces Thanks Melissa!
Fall Silly Putty
Easy yarn Apples and Pumpkins!
Spider Web Spin Painting
Fall Window Hangings We did this last year with wax paper, leaves, crayon and an iron!
Misc. Activities
Printable Halloween Games
Halloween Color Pages
Line Art Leaves
Online Activity
Build your own Jack O'lantern
Pumpkin Shakes
Ghost Sandwiches
Spider Pizzas
Ritz Spider
Witches Hat
Language Arts
Pumpkin Book
Several Links to Fall Poetry
Fall Window
Skeleton from bottles Plan ahead for next year?
Fall Tree Dice game
Pumpkin Ideas
Star Wars Pumpkin Stencils Links to other themes too!
Creamy Potato Soup Recipe
21 hours ago
Where can you purchase paper fasteners? Office Depot?
Paper fasteners or Brads can be found in the office supply section of any store (meijer etc...)as well as Office depot type stores. They are generally sold in a small box (smaller than 2 inches!).
Sooo many cool ones! May have to do some of the more general fall related ones once we are moved! Still no keys grrrr
2 more activities! http://www.gamescraftscoloring.com/crafts/halloween_skeleton.htm
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