Thought I would share our plans for summer, since they are FINALLY ready! (Warning- this one will be looo-oooong!)
I decide, for the sake of organization, to create a Nature Journal. It has a two-fold purpose. The first is to encourage Joshua to start writing and recording (drawing etc...). The second is just a place to keep all the activities I have planned. I want to have things ready but not schedule things to certain days so as to be more flexible, NOT my strong suit!
First, I went here and printed off pages that I liked to use for his writing and recording. I chose some that are lined a bit with space for drawing and some with just open space for pictures and taping found items etc...
Next, I looked at all the activities I wanted to do and split them up into subjects. (Intro, Birds, Trees/Plants/Flowers, Backyard Animals, Insects, Sun/Clouds, Creek, Frogs, Beach Life, Dirt/Compost)
Here are the activities to go along with the subjects. (Feel free to ask for more infrmation if something you are interested in is unclear!)
- Create Journal- I slid every printed out page and activities written on cards into a page protector. I plan to pull the pages out as we use them and slide them back in for keeping.
- Spring Nature Walk- http://www.heartsandtrees.blogspot.com/ Look in the sidebar under My Free Downloads! Check out this blog! You may want to just order her ideas!
- Plant Seeds- We have several different planting projects including a Chia Pet, Paper towel sprouting seeds, and a few other ideas and kits I have been collecting. I figure if we plant a ton...something will grow!
- Under a rock- literally move a rock and discover what is underneath, write and/or draw what you find.
- Paint Clubhouse- We are just going to paint a giant box left over from Josh's birthday, something he can drag out and play in for a week or two!
- Trash pick up hike to the park! Grab a bag and join in!
- Make birdfeeders- like this and this.
- Bird graph- We are just going to keep track of all the birds we see for one day by color, type, what they are doing, etc...
- Bird observation and journaling.
- Set up a bird bath, I hope!
- Make a bird from here http://kidscraftweekly.com/bird_issue.html! Highly recommend joining this site!
- Journal writing
- Collect/Press leaves and flowers
- ID leaves and flowers using cards from http://www.montessorimaterials.org/science.htm and http://therealshmi.googlepages.com/science and maybe http://www.freewebs.com/montessoritoprint/science.htm
- Leaf/ tree rubbing
- Make a sponge garden
- Plant part cards from one of the above ??
- Flower pounding like this!
- Maybe even try our hands at a Lapbook http://1plus1plus1equals1.blogspot.com/2008/06/flowers-plants-lapbook.html I highly recommend, if you are interested in lapbooking, joining this group, http://lapbooklessons.ning.com/. Just amazing Moms!
- Maybe pressed flower cards http://pinewoodcastle.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/11/pressed-flower-.html
- Journal writing
Backyard animals
- ID Local animals using our local animal field guide!
- Set out a pan with flour anf food on it to check out footprints and figure out who are nocturnal etc... Footprint guide found at www.bear-tracker.com
- Squirrel lapbook (Will share links in a week or so, ya know, after I find them!)
- Journal writing
- Ant Study
- Josh got this butterfly house for his birthday, so a bit more butterfly study!
- ID insects using cards from http://www.montessorimaterials.org/science.htm check under Animal Classification.
- Use Josh's new bug vac a ton to check out insects from the yard!
- Some art/craft insect craft, yet to be determined!
- Also, journal a bit on butterflies and their progress!
- Take a Cloud Walk downloaded from http://www.nostudentleftindoors.com/Home.html
- Make a cloud book showing different cloud types with cotton balls.
- Make cloud pictures like this!
- Make solar prints using black construction paper with leaves on top and set in the sun.
- Create a simple sundial with a paper plate.
- Make suncatchers like this super easy idea!
- Journal writing
Creek Life
- We have a creek in our backyard so we will be studying the water and creatures we find!
- Creek clean up! You would not believe all the stuff we find!
- Journal writing
- Frog study, including lifecycle info found on http://www.sparklebox.co.uk/topic/world/minibeast.html. Just scroll down a bit!
- Journal writing
Beach Life
- Shell/rock sort
- ID shells with cards from http://www.montessorimaterials.org/science.htm
- Sand vs soil study
- Shell Wreath- glue shells on a cardboard cutout wreath shape. Maybe a frame instead if we do not have enough shells for a wreath!
- Journal writing
- Soil study- to see what is in it!
- Shake jars from http://lapazfarm.homeschooljournal.net/2008/04/10/more-garden-themed-montessori-trays/ Several other great ideas here too!
- I am considering making some sort of wormery, but to tell the truth I am a bit horrified by worms. Had an entire bucket of them dumped on my head once and have never gotten over it!
- Make a small compost. Ideas from http://thecookfamilyzoo.blogspot.com/2008/05/green-hour-project-composting.html
- Paper making project like the one found at http://artfulparent.wordpress.com/2008/05/20/handmade-paper-shapes-tutorial/
- Journal writing
Rainy Day ideas
- Art/craft projects, of course.
- A terrarium from http://www.kidsgardening.com/2006.kids.garden.news/jan/pg3.html
- This Newspaper hut from http://pepperpaints.com/2008/05/13/newspaper-hut/
- ABC nature pages if I am REAL desperate! http://www.freekidscoloring.com/alphabet/animals_and_plants_alphabet/
- Journal writing!!!!!!!!!
So that is it for now! If you get a chance, let me know if these types of write up are helpful! I do not mind doing it but it does take a ton of time. So if it is not of use to anyone, I could probably find something better to do with my time (read- do the MOUNTAIN of dishes in my sink!)
Sounds great! I LOVE this post, and I appreciate all the time you put into it. Keep it up! O is too young for a lot of these things, but we'll definitely try a few, I've starred this post so I can come back to it when she's older. I'm also going to send my sister a link because these are great activities for her to do with my 4 year old niece. Thanks!
Thanks Melissa!
I forgot to mention that we will also continue working on PL activities around the house. We will pick back up on shelf work in the Fall!
wow. what a load of info. You are a fountain of resources!
Now to find time to go through all your resources. :) Thanks so much for all your tips and suggestions - I appreciate them so much. I'd love to start a nature journal for Justin of some sort. He'd LOVE that!
Excellent! I will take your ideas for beginning a journal with my 4 years-old son but in French. I really appreciate you being so generous ;) It's a precious guideline
Thanks everyone! Now if I can just make sure we follow through with all these plans!
Wow! You have really planned a lot. It sounds really fun. Thanks for sharing all the great links.
Along with everyone else, I found this post to be very helpful, and so informative! I have a pretty good idea of how long a post like that takes to put together, so I really do appreciate it, and I hope you'll keep them up!
Thanks Jenny! It is a lot of work but it is really nice for me to have it all in one place to refer to!
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