How we are making it all work with Little C. (That is...before we start school in a few weeks!)
8:00 Josh wakes up and C arrives (ish)
8:15 Breakfast for everyone
8:45 Playtime
10:00 C's bottle and nap
10:10 Joshua and Mommy's art/crafts time (we have painted, done fuse beads, strung cereal O's for the birds, etc...)
11:30 C wakes~~Playtime
12:30 Lunch for everyone
1:00 Playtime often outside (weather permitting)
2:00 C's bottle and both boys nap (I read to Josh while I give C his bottle)
3:30-4 C is picked up and Josh wakes
When school begins I foresee the only change being...8:45 Shelf choice for Josh/Playtime for C (we are setting up 2 rooms that are open to each other)
10:00 Bottle/nap for C ~~ Any needed lessons for Josh and one on one time.
I think it is all going to work out, eventually. I do think the first several weeks will be most difficult for Josh who will want more of my time. He will eventually adjust and really it is not so very different than me just sitting there observing him work.
Stay tuned for rearranged classroom pictures and C's room/our rec room redo pictures.
I am also planning to post pictures of any new trays/works I have added!