Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Room Redo Part 1

For the most part, it is all finished! I had the flu this weekend and honestly have NO idea how I did it but...

I am going to show the outer room first


Notice the bare cement floor and utter lack of...well ...anything!
This is the exact wall from the above picture! We have a cabinet filled with pantry items, a shelf full of games and puzzles for kids and adults! Also, to the right you can see a small shelf. That is the one I have filled with Little C's items to use while we do preschool. It is easily moved to block the stairway that is behind the futon.
This picture shows the wall to the left of the classroom door. I was fortunate to pick up the cool air hockey table from a kind soul on Craigslist. A last minute CHEAP gift for Andrew's birthday! The art wall above is not finished but is all going to be original pieces by an up and coming artist. (you know...Josh!)
Finally...in this picture you can see the stairway behind the futon and the new carpet! Unfortunately you can also see a bit of my storage system. I use under the bed boxes to store all the extra trays and containers I am not currently using in the classroom.
Well...you get the idea. We are pretty happy to have it finished. Hopefully we will feel well enough to use it all soon too!
Here is the mess we created in order to finish the new rec room. Mostly it is just everything from both rooms shoved into the classroom!
Same doorway...much more organized! I will post the classroom pictures later today!

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