We were lucky to have an entire (small) room in our basement to dedicate to our learning room. We would have liked to paint and recarpet but are just thrilled with how great the room has turned out.

Here is our calendar area. We do not really use it too much for a morning meeting type activity but it is used as a book area frequently!

This shelf is filled with Practical Life activities. Which include things like jar opening/closing, clothespin clamping, rice pouring, rice spooning, tweezing tiny plastic ants, and dressing frames. These all help the child learn to do for himself and train the hand to be able to write.

Now for the Sensorial shelf. These activities are based on the five senses of sight, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touch.

The Maths shelf has lots of counting activities. If you are familiar with Montessori you may notice we are using Base 10 blocks instead of the lovely beads. We are an experimental family for a local Montessori teacher who is trying to develop a curriculum based on M ideas using LESS expensive material.

We have 2 Language areas, they include insets for tracing (more hand preparation), rhyming activities, and many other "works" that prepare Josh to learn to read/write.

This is our letter center. There is a sand tray with black sand (Little man's fave color), sandpaper letter card, and letter bags that include a felt letter and several items that begin with that letter. Also, we use Handwriting Without Tears wooden pieces which is a wonderful multi sensory curriculum. http://www.hwtears.com/

This is the last of the shelves and it houses the Cultural activities. Here you would find anything from geography to science to arts/crafts.

I store school supplies here in a shoe bag. It is great because everything is contained/organized and at hand!
Well, hope you enjoyed the tour! Feel free to ask any questions you may have. I will be happy to answer anything I can or direct you to an answer.
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