We are sort of a "mixed" family and do a little of everything. It works for us...at least for now. Joshua and I did the Resurrection Eggs and read a great book that goes with them. It is called Benjamin's Box by Melody Carlson. It is a beautiful book that was great to read along while we opened the eggs. Joshua really enjoyed it, as a matter of fact he has spent all week opening empty plastic eggs, putting items in them and asking me what these items remind us of!? Hmmmm, lego's?
Anyway...we had a good Easter, although the after Holiday time for me is always exhausting. I love the planning...but the clean-up - I could do without!
And on that note, I must get the house back in order! Here are some pictures, enjoy!

Joshua on his indoor egg hunt! We got MORE snow Friday! Aaaaah!
We did the Resurrection Eggs and Benjamin's box as well and Isaac loved it! He is 3.5 as well and keeps me quite busy!
Boy, don't I know it! Age 2 was easy compared to 3! I am really looking forward to 4 & 5 though! Such a time of learning and developing more self!
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