Well I finally found 3 books on Nature Study from the Library that I would recommend!
They are
The Little Hands Nature Book by Nancy Fusco Castaldo (If you can only get one get this one!)
Nature in Your Backyard by Susan Lang
My Big World of Wonder by Sherri Griffin
These are all great for a preschool nature study!
But...my favorite by far is Windowsill Science Centers by Lynne Kepler a book I bought at a discount bookstore for $1.99. (LOVE a bargain!)
This is a great resource and requires very little prep or materials and could carry you through the whole year because is based around your classroom window and what you can observe.
I am really anxious to get started, I have some great stuff planned.
We are definitely going to try our hands at keeping a nature journal. However, I want to "design" some pages with activities to include so that he does not just burn out right away...feeling overwhelmed. I will have him find do some sort of activity in the journal one day and do more of a journal activity another.
I also am planning a ton of experiment type activities, like a worm jar, painting a tree with sugar water to attract moths, and making bird feeders.
We will probably get started sometime in June. So what are you planning for this summer? Schooling? Or perhaps a break?
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1 day ago
Thanks Shannon for the great mention of The Little Hands Nature Book! It was a fun one to write. It has now been reissued by Chicago Review Press as Sunny Days & Starry Nights (the original title). It's always a thrill when authors hear that readers are enjoying their book!
No Problem Nancy! I found a ton of ideas in your book and I look forward to using them with my son this summer!
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