Thursday, September 18, 2008

Organizing Craft Supplies

I have a TON of art/craft supplies and was incredibly overwhelmed with them last year. So this year I knew I had to come up with a solution. Finally, I broke down and bought 2 Five drawer plastic stackable systems. I just have them stacked on top of each other and now my supplies are sorted into different drawers. They are easy to find and easier to put away. (and yes...that top drawer is filled up with Pompoms...pathetic...but I got a huge bag at a yard sale. Any ideas on what I can do with them?)


Carrie said...

Make 'em into a garland for a miniature Christmas tree! :-) I saw one online last winter and it was adorable. We're planning to do one this year.

Becky said...

I guess Josh is too old to do sorting with them, right?

You could use contact paper and make a collage with them or cut out a large shape and cover every inch inside.

Melissa said...

I just bought the same drawers! Maybe you could use the pom poms as counters or make a texture board for the baby with them.

Shannon said...

What great ideas! I think I will google pom poms and christmas and plan some crafts around that!

Thanks so much!

Oh yeah, counters...ooh so many ideas...