- **Story of the World, Volume 1: Ancient Times Audiobook CD: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor, Revised Edition (7 CDs) (v. 1)
Which I already bought! $26.37
- Ideally but unlikely, The Story of the World. Activity Book 1: Ancient Times (Revised Edition) (Bk. 1)
The activity book to go with the Cd's. $23.07
- A Little Book of Manners for Boys: A Game Plan for Getting Along with Others
- GeoPuzzle USA and Canada
- GeoPuzzle Europe
- GeoPuzzle Latin America
- GeoPuzzle Africa
- GeoPuzzle Asia
- Draw Write Now, Book 1-8
- Now I'm Reading!: Simply Science - Independent
- The Star Catchers: Stories for You to Read to Your Child To Encourage Calm, Confidence, and Creativity
- **Wood Expressions Shut-The-Box
$19.95 (Luckily I found a brand new one at a yard sale today for $.50!!!)
- **The Global Puzzle
$9.85+shipping (we bought awhile back at a local toy store!)
- All the "Come Look With Me..." books
~$13.00/book (These are really cool art books that show works of art, give artist info, and provide discussion ideas and questions! Check your library if interested!)
- World of Language Series
Okay, seriously, I could go on, but these are definitely my top choices. Some of the books I can just get from the library. (although ours does not have 2 from my list #11 and #3??? even through the inter library loan..have not checked on #10) The items with the ** I already purchased. The rest, well??? I really want the Geopuzzles but that is a ton of money right now, everything else I can probably do without. I will probably buy 1 of the Draw Right Now books to see if Josh will even like it. We are extremely fortunate to have a Homeschooling Building with a bookstore fairly nearby.
Can you imagine how long my list would be if Josh was not going to school???
What is on your list for the Fall?
I have the North America puzzle with control (Adena) that Josh could borrow. We're going to purchase Asia soon so you can borrow that as well when we get it.
This is a great list!
Thanks! I will probably take you up on that!
Loving some of these! You sure have been doing your research :)
These are mostly from my Amazon wishlists that I continually add to and update. I have about 6 other lists...this one is just PART of my Fall planning list. It is just how my brain works...I am a list person.
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