Obviously, we are using The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child; Volume 1: Ancient Times
Story of the World Volume 1
Misc.~ coloring pages Egypt Rome Greece Christian
Other Countries
Some of The Story of the World text here!
Ch. 1 - The Earliest People
Activity - Cave Painting http://familyfun.go.com/arts-and-crafts/drawpaint/feature/famf97masterpiece/famf97masterpiece3.html
Ch. 2 - Egyptians Lived on the Nile River
Activity - http://http//www.amazon.com/Were-Sailing-Down-Travel-World/dp/1846860407
Ch. 3 - The First Writing
Activity - Hieroglyphs www.kidzone.ws/cultures/egypt/hieroglyph.htm
Ch. 4 -The Old Kingdom of Egypt
Activity - http://www.dltk-kids.com/world/egypt/paper_pyramid_craft.htm
Ch. 5 - The First Sumerian Dictator
Activity - Make a Sumerian seal (name writing clay mold) examples
Ch. 6 - The Jewish People
Activity - Make Josephs coat from old shirt and paint
Ch. 7 -Hammurabi and the Babylonians
Activity - Create own laws (rules)!
Ch. 8 - The Assyrians
Activity - Fairy Tales http://www.abcteach.com/free/f/fairy_tale_words.pdf
Ch. 9 - The First Cities of India
Activity - visit http://www.mohenjodaro.net/
Ch. 10 - The Far East: Ancient China
Activity - make a Ming Bowl http://www.dltk-holidays.com/china/m-pottery.htm
Ch. 11- Ancient Africa
Activity - make a Paper bead necklace http://www.helium.com/items/352572-kids-crafts-how-to-make-paper-beads
Ch. 12 - The Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Activity - check out http://www.atozkidsstuff.com/egypt.html
Ch. 13 - The New Kingdom of Egypt
Activity - http://www.kingtutone.com/kids/color/
Ch. 14 - The Israelites Leave Egypt
Activity - http://www.sundayschoolkids.com/activities/1-baby-moses-basket-instru.htm & http://www.makingfriends.com/biblecrafts/redsea.htm
Ch. 15 - The Phoenicians
Activity - http://www.dltk-bible.com/crafts/mboat.htm
Ch. 16 - The Return of Assyria
Activity - Library field trip (first library created)
Ch. 17 - Babylon Takes Over Again!
Activity - Horrock's (local greenhouse) for hanging plant
Ch. 18 - Life in Early Crete
Activity - Volcano http://funmajors.blogspot.com/2008/06/v-is-for-volcano.html
Ch. 19 - The Early Greeks
Activity - http://www.dltk-holidays.com/halloween/mshield.htm
Ch. 20 - Greece Gets Civilized Again
Activity - http://www.dltk-kids.com/world/greece/index.htm
Ch. 21 - The Medes and the Persians
Activity - HELP>>>Any suggestions????
Ch. 22 - Sparta and Athens
Activity - http://www.dltk-kids.com/world/greece/m-pottery.htm
Ch. 23 - The Greek Gods
Activity - http://www.dltk-kids.com/world/greece/index.htm
Ch. 24 - The Wars of the Greeks
Activity - http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/The_Parthenon.html
Ch. 25 - Alexander the Great
Ch. 26 - The People of the Americas
Activity - http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/paperplate/sun/
Ch. 27 - The Rise of Rome
Activity - http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0210200/ancient_rome/roman_site_map.htm
Ch. 28 - The Roman Empire
Activity - http://www.historyforkids.org/crafts/rome/arch.htm
Ch. 29 - Rome's War With Carthage
Activity - http://4crazykings.blogspot.com/2009/02/what-to-do-with-your-childs-art-work.html or http://www.busybeekidscrafts.com/Hand-Print-Elephant.html
Ch. 30 - The Aryans of India
Activity - http://wondertime.go.com/create-and-play/crafts/rakhi-bracelet.html
Ch. 31 - The Mauryan Empire of India
Activity - http://www.jatakkatha.com/index.htm
Ch. 32 - China: Writing and the Qin
Activity - http://www.free-chinese-names.com/chinese_names.htm paint name
Ch. 33 - Confucius
Activity - tangrams http://mathforum.org/trscavo/tangrams/construct.html
Ch. 34 - The Rise of Julius Caesar
Activity - http://www.freekidscrafts.com/crown_of_olive_leaves-e446.html
Ch. 35 - Caesar the Hero
Activity - Roman Numerals http://www.montessorimaterials.org/math1.html
Ch. 36 - The First Roman Prince
Activity - Toga toga toga http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Toga-out-of-a-Bedsheet
Ch. 37 - The Beginning of Christianity
Activity - Mosaic cross necklace w/ foam. e.g. http://www.religiouscrafts.co.uk/proddetail.asp?prod=48/2092
Ch. 38 - The End of the Ancient Jewish Nation
Activity - http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/hanukkah/dreidel/template.shtml
Ch. 39 - Rome and the Christians
Activity - discuss http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catacombs_of_Rome
Ch. 40 - Rome Begins to Weaken
Activity - http://www.geocities.com/shadowoftheeagle_2000/images/celtic_border.jpg
Ch. 41 - The Attacking Barbarians
Activity - http://familyfun.go.com/games/indoor-outdoor-games/game/ff0306-roman-ball/ & http://www.schoolsliaison.org.uk/kids/siteactivities/romandress.pdf
Ch. 42 - The End of Rome
Activity - "gifts" of Rome Collage using http://us.dk.com/static/cs/us/11/clipart/rome/book_ancientrome.html
We plan to do one chapter a week! We realistically will not get to every activity. Especially since we are also planning to do Science and Geography. Not to mention our regular activities. Oh yeah...and his school!
Wow!!! What a wonderful resource! Thanks :) Will you be posting your plans for science and geography, too??? Pretty please :)
Most likely! The main geography plans are just to finish my continent boxes but I have a few other things up my sleeve as well...so sure!
Did you buy the book, too, or just the cds? Also, are you using the activity book? I'm very intrigued by this, but I think O is too young. Maybe next year, but I love to plan ahead :)
I just got the CD's because I wanted to plan our own activities and also Josh likes to listen to books on CD. I plan to have him do a coloring page, painting, clay or other quiet activity while we listen. Then we will do our planned activity later or even on Sunday night...our family art night.
I second the wow. How exciting! I wonder if Koko will be ready for something like this next year. I am so thankful that Josh is older than Koko and that you pave the way to make it easier for me to teach these things in the future :)
Wow, that looks awesome. Wish I could do that with Eli.
I'm not familiar with the kinds of activities you're looking for so this is a stab in the dark. For Persia, maybe you could do a clay model of Persepolis? It's a UNESCO world heritage site dating to around that era. Also if you do it in March you can do something incorporating the holiday of Naurooz (various spellings), which is Zoroastrian in origin (dating to that era, pre-Islamic) but still celebrated in Persian countries (Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan) on 21 March (spring equinox). They serve a special feast of symbolic foods for the renewal of life in the spring (some parallels to the pagan Easter traditions).
Alex, I completely forget that we have an expert in the family!
When we get closer I will probably need to pick your brain.
Oh and you could get the CD set which is about $25 and just have Eli listen to them at bedtime or whenever. Any extra history would be better than the history they generally get in school! Presented this way it is sort of like listening to the books on CD that kids love so much! Josh included.
A lot of these activities are the same ones that are in the book.
Thank you for the info. I actually do not have the book, only the CDs. I planned this by searching google using keywords.
Also, please use your name when posting. It is difficult to be friends and have real discussions with out honesty.
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