Then he "practiced" dot art using dot art printouts from Childcareland. He used our Do-A-Dot Rainbow Art Set (Set of 6)
Finally, he created his own Dot Art

We had a lot of fun with this project and it was nice to see all the different parts come together. He really could see himself as "the artist" when he created his masterpiece at the end. We finished off by going back to the book and looking at the pictures again. I pointed out how the different artists signed their paintings and then he signed his in true josH style!
Thanks for "sharing"the dot art website. I'll have to try those with my son in the future. Right now, I keep the dot markers out of sight and for use only by my 5 year old. I found that the ink doesn't wash off of hands very well so it isn't so good for the 2 year old.
Funny you should bring out Dots Dots Dots. I just unearthed that book from a box of books I had packed away. It is sitting on my desk right now. :)
Josh has always been really neat with art stuff cause he hates to get messy. I rarely even bother with paint shirts! Funny how different kids are!
I am always looking for ways to do art (not crafts) with Josh! Crafts are easy for me to plan...art not so much!
Thanks for the link to the dot art sheets! O hasn't been interested in her dot painters in a while, so maybe these will spark her interest :)
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