We have started using Carisa's Love printables using the Bible verse 1Corinthians 13: 4-8a. This is such a fitting verse for young children to learn about love and how we treat others we love. As a jumping off of our discussion I am taking a lead from another generous Mom, at 10 Million Miles.
She has broken each phrase down and has written a great explanation and activity for each! We are following each with one of our great books based on values like
Kindness (Values to Live By)
The Dragon Who Couldn't Breathe Fire (A Child's First Library of Values Series)
Other books I would recommend are ...
We also stress with Josh, in our day to day life, to treat others with love. For example, if he is being unkind...I might say, "Josh are you showing me how much you love me right now?" He seems to respond well to this and generally thinks about it and calms down. Of course it is ongoing and not at all perfect but it is so nice to see him displaying what we have discussed.
I'm also struggling to teach my oldest to be kind to her younger sister.
Your post was very timely and I hope to use some of your ideas :)
I am glad it was at the right time for you! I have been meaning to write it since before Valentines but...
Oops, I didn't mean to post that review yet. I am still waiting for them to get back to me on a question. I actually got the shampoo/conditioner at Lansing, but I think we could special-order it here, too. I could pick one up if you want. I'll be going to Lansing next week.
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